Curioseando en Internet he encontrado información sobre un nuevo curso sobre localización en línea impartido por el Imperial College de Londres del 27 de abril al 17 de julio. Solo le falta algo de localización de páginas Web para completar la especialidad.

Course Outline

In this course you will apply your theoretical and conceptual background to a very practical approach to translation, ranging from using the world-wide web as a source of information via terminology management and translation memory tools to website and software localisation.

Unit 1  – Introduction to the key concepts of software localisation

This unit will introduce you to the key concepts of software localisation (Globalisation, Internationalisation, Localisation and Translation).

Prerequisites for this unit: None

Duration: 1 hour plus tasks

Unit 2 – Localisation case study and localisation process

This unit will start with an example of a localisation project and will then introduce you to the process of software localisation.

Prerequisites for this unit: Completion of unit 1

Duration: 1 hour plus tasks

Unit 3 – Brief overview of localisation tools and key names on keyboards

This unit will give you a brief overview of tools that you may need to use when localising software. It will then introduce you to the importance of different keyboard layouts when working in the localisation industry.

Prerequisites for this unit: None, but it is recommended that you complete units 1 and 2 first

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 4 – Localising resource files – Introduction

This unit will provide you with an introduction to localising resource files

Prerequisites for this unit: None, but it is recommended that you complete units 1 – 3 as well

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 5 – Localising resource files – Translation approach

This unit will provide an introduction on HOW to localise resource files.

Prerequisites for this unit: Unit 4. It is, however, recommended that you complete units 1-3 as well.

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 6 – Localising resource files – Practice

This unit is a practical unit in which you will localise a small section of a software.

Prerequisites for this unit: Unit 4 and 5. It is, however, recommended that you complete units 1-3 as well.

Duration: 2 hours

Unit 7 – Localising online help – WinHelp I

This unit will provide an introduction to WinHelp (Windows Help) files.

Prerequisites for this unit: Units 1-3. It is, however, recommended that you complete units 4-6 as well.

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 8 – Localising online help – WinHelp II

This unit will provide practical guidelines to translating the cnt and rtf files of WinHelp (Windows Help) files and provide a list of translation guidelines for translating WinHelp files.

Prerequisites for this unit: Units 1-3 & 7. It is, however, recommended that you complete units 4-6 as well.

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 9 – Localising online help – WebHelp

This unit will give you an overview of what a WebHelp is, what components a WebHelp is made up of and provide you with information how to translate WebHelp files.

Prerequisites for this unit: Units 1-3. Completion of units 7 and 8 would be helpful before completing this unit. Completion of units 4-6 is recommended to give you the full picture of localisation.

Duration: 1 hour plus tasks

Unit 10 – Screenshooting and localising graphics

This unit will give you an overview on screenshooting and localising graphics as part of a localisation project. This unit will require additional software which can be downloaded free for 30 days, however, if you do not want to download and install the additional software, this unit will still be useful as it will give you an overview of what’s involved.

Prerequisites for this unit: Units 1-3. Completion of units 4-9 is recommended to give you the full picture of localisation.

Duration: 1 hour plus task

Unit 10a (optional) – Tools and features in Photoshop III: Tutorial for Save for Web

This is an optional unit related to Unit 10 which contains further information on working with layers in Photoshop. You can read through this tutorial and try to follow it if you have Adobe Photoshop.

Prerequisites for this unit: Completion of unit 10 is recommended to give you the context for this unit.

Duration: 1 hour

Unit 11 – Localising games

This unit will give you an introduction to localising games, specifically on the meaning of localisation in the context of games, research methods and how to keep your knowledge up-to-date and some specific features about games such as characterisation, tolerance and laws. It will then give you an overview of what it takes to be a games localiser.

Prerequisites for this unit: Units 1-3. Completion of units 4-10 is recommended to give you the full picture of localisation.

Duration: 1 hour plus task

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Traductora de la orden Jedi. No podría vivir sin tecnología. Me encantan los retos y superarme día tras día. Doctora en ciernes. Trabajo en la cuna de los videojuegos. Elizabeth Sánchez León


2 respuestas a «Curso de localización en línea»

  1. Avatar de José

    En mi curso de traducción nos han hablado sobre el tema, pero he ampliado la información gracias a tu artículo.
    Muchas gracias.

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